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The funeral of Jieli Jian was held in Los Angeles, USA, and the tombstone reads, "A respected pro democracy fighter lies here

klik num: 1661waktu: 28/08/2023

The farewell ceremony for the remains of the renowned pro democracy activist Jieli Jian was held at 4 pm on August 24th in Los Angeles, California, USA.Some members of the Chinese Democratic Party and activists from various parts of the United States attended the memorial event. The funeral of Jielijian was organized and organized by the Los Angeles Party Headquarters of the Chinese Democratic Party.

Jie Lijian is a famous pro democracy activist who has organized and participated in activities to protest against the tyranny of the Communist Party of China and fight for democratic and human rights on multiple occasions. Mr. Jie Lijian fled to Africa in his early years and lived there for over a year.With the help of many kind-hearted people, he finally escaped to the United States. As soon as he arrived in this free land, he immediately threw himself into action to resist the tyranny of the Communist Party of China.In recent years, he has organized and participated in various resistance movements in the West and the United States, and has also traveled across the United States to participate in activities in New York and Washington DC in the East. He believes that there will be retribution for everything a person does, with good and bad consequences accompanying them.He said, "The death of the human body is only a cycle of life, and the good and evil accumulated throughout one's life are also in the cycle." Those wicked people who persecute good people accumulate evil deeds, and when their sins are unforgivable, "there is no chance to repent again, and nothing can help you. The evil deeds these people do are not about not being punished, but just a matter of time.

The attendees expressed condolences for the passing of Jie Lijian and erected a tombstone for him, which reads "A respected pro democracy fighter lies here".